
A Community of Purpose

A Community of Purpose

By Andrew Young

When I first heard of Art House Dallas, I immediately emailed to inquire about any potential job opportunities. The following week, I drove from Fort Worth to Dallas with a new, appropriately hip dress shirt and the best intentions to find some way I could become involved in such an interesting, mission-driven organization. The following month, before starting an internship there that would eventually open my world to a career in non-profit management, I wrote an article on my personal blog about Jon Foreman’s recently released song “Restless.”

In that article, I talked about my restlessness to see the world changed by God’s movement through His community and beyond, through intentional discipleship and an honest pursuit of redemption by those moved by The Spirit. I found such a community at Art House Dallas, in “an unusual group of artists in Dallas,” in my words, “filled with the restless passion to use their gifts for the glory of God and the service of those in their community.”

I’m exceedingly proud to say those words still describe Art House Dallas. As I continue my involvement with the organization, now as a patron, I marvel at how much the organization and community it cultivates has to give the world, for the glory of God.  As a self-described hobbyist of the arts, I continue to grow from the lessons learned from those who come together every month to talk about the role of creativity in their lives and how they choose to pursue art for purpose. I take those lessons learned and apply them to every aspect of my life, from my artful hobbies to my professional life and all of my endeavors between. The community at Art House Dallas gives me inspiration to always find purpose in everything I do. And, for that, I am truly grateful.

Andrew Young serves as Marketing and Membership Director at the Lone Star Film Society in Fort Worth, Texas. Andrew graduated from Texas Christian University in 2011, pursuing a career in non-profits. Before joining the LSFS, he served as Web Intern for Art House Dallas, where he worked closely with local artists—musicians, photographers, writers and filmmakers—to help them develop their craft and pursue creative careers. As a creative himself, Andrew is passionate about finding new ways to pursue academics, art and information in community as a way to influence culture and develop a greater understanding of collective experience.