For the last 7 years Art House Dallas has been A Light in the City—a beacon which invites artists of all kinds to inspire our city through creative community. Through their collective imagination, these creative individuals challenge us to simultaneously preserve and reconstruct our experience of the world. They call us to recognize beauty every day, to give voice to our larger cultural experience, and find our individual place in truth.
Artists invite us to view the world with a sacramental imagination—in which we both see and know God in the details of his expansive creation. We experience this invitation within our local creative community and serve to amplify that invitation to all of Dallas, as we believe strong cultures are built when people live creatively.
We simply could not accomplish this without the partnership and support of so many of you. Because of your heart to see local artists grow, thrive, and change the city of Dallas, many within our community have launched projects and viable careers centered around their creative vocation. We should never underestimate the power of creativity to influence our culture. This is the driving message that our community of creatives and patrons stand for—the true, the good, and the beautiful for the common good and benefit of all.