Seryn is a 5-piece band who calls Denton, Texas their home. When listening to the well-layered textures of guitars, ukulele, accordion, bass, viola, banjo and various percussion, it's hard to imagine This Is Where We Are is the band's debut effort. The band's strength resides in their vast musical talent and understanding of dynamics. Their beauty is gracefully displayed through chilling harmonies. Each member and their voice carry the same importance. One is not complete without the other.
AHD: Seryn’s live show is powerful. Where does the passion come from?
NA: Thanks! A lot of energy comes from the audience. I think we would all feel disappointed if we didn't give people everything. We don’t want to seem apathetic. Being human is an amazing experience, even when it is terrible. We have intense highs and lows, and that's what comes out for all of us onstage and in the songs.
AHD: How do you capture that intensity on a record? Is there anything people get at a Seryn show that they don’t in a digital download?
NA: I think we did everything we could to get it on tape. We did a ton of rehearsing and demoing to get it to that point. Live is a totally different beast. It requires more chutzpah. I think when you listen to the recording its hard to understand that we actually do it all live. You can't hear that at the end of “River Song” Chris and Aaron are both playing two instruments at the same time, organ/bells and bass/trumpet respectively.
AHD: The band recently released its debut album This Is Where We Are. How old is Seryn now, and how do you explain how far you’ve come in such a short time?
NA: The record came out 1/25/2011 and we have been together since 3/18/2010. How far we’ve come all seems relative. We are stoked about going to Europe, hopefully soon, and also someday performing with symphonies and choirs helping out as well. There is so much more that we have yet to do! The next few projects we have in the works are ambitious, so wish us luck.
AHD: Critical acclaim is nice, and the band has received plenty of that, but it sounds like you all are just looking for the chance to become full-time musicians. Any idea how that might change your music?
NA: Could only mean more of it. I think it might allow us to do more of the things we have always wanted to do: record a completely analog record; go to Africa. The real goal is to be the first band to perform on the moon.
AHD: A lot of the coverage out there deals with the sound and spectacle of the band. Is there an overarching message behind the “soaring and serene” melodies you and your band mates so emphatically deliver?
NA: Yes, but it is different for everyone and there are reasons why we didn't put it on a bumper sticker. We refer folks to this Aldous Huxley quote: “After silence, that which comes closest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”
AHD: On Seryn’s Facebook fan page the band’s genre is listed as “Denton”. How big of a factor is setting in the band’s success?
NA: Every artistic act can seem to be a reaction to or expression of an artist and a context. Denton is our birthplace, on a personal level as well as a musical one. We have been around a lot this year, and every time we return here, after a month or a week, it's the same feeling of return.
AHD: What’s your favorite hang out in the DFW area?
NA: Anyplace with a half-off pizza night.
AHD: What’s next and how can we stay in the loop?
NA: Next up for Seryn is a new record. Find us on facebook, twitter, and