Art House Dallas and the Bible & Beer Consortium are honored to welcome Nancy Pearcey (HBU) to the Museum of Biblical Art (Dallas). Nancy will lecture on 'Art as an Apologetic' followed by Q&A.
Date: Saturday, March 25
Time: 6:00pm
Location: Museum of Biblical Art
Admission: Complimentary with RSVP
This event includes beer and wine. While admission is complimentary with RSVP, we ask that you consider a donation to support the education and programming provided by Art House Dallas and the Bible & Beer Consortium.
Nancy R. Pearcey is a scholar in residence and professor at Houston Baptist University. She is also a fellow at the Discovery Institute. Previously she was the Francis A. Schaeffer Scholar at the World Journalism Institute, where she taught a worldview course based on her book Total Truth, winner of the 2005 ECPA Gold Medallion Award for best book on Christianity and Society. She has also served as professor of worldview studies at Philadelphia Biblical University, during which time she wrote Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning. Her most recent book is Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes.
Formerly an agnostic, Nancy studied violin in Heidel- berg in the early 1970s, then traveled to Switzerland to study Christian worldview at L'Abri Fellowship, where Francis Schaeffer was living and teaching. Later she graduated from Iowa State University with a Distributed Studies degree (philosophy, German, music). After earning a master's in Biblical Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, she pursued graduate work in the history of philosophy at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto and received a doctoral degree (honorary) from Philadelphia Biblical University. She has also been a visiting scholar at Biola University's Torrey Honors Institute.
Heralded as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual" (The Economist), Nancy has addressed staffers on Capitol Hill and at the White House; actors and screenwriters in Hollywood; scientists at labs such as Sandia and Los Alamos; students and faculty at Stanford, Dartmouth, Princeton, USC, Ohio State, and the University of Georgia; as well as educational and activist groups, including the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. She has appeared on NPR and C-SPAN.